Thursday, 30 August 2012

Clean Diff & Chopped Sump

The diff washer has worked its magic and probably had a bit to do with dad's elbow grease too. Our sierra beast is still coming up trumps too it has a 3.92 diff was expecting a 3.62. Basically the difference been ours is set for more acceleration.... Winner!

Chopped the sump down too following this sites advise Link. Definitely wont be hitting that anytime soon :)

Monday, 20 August 2012

Bye Bye Sierra (Part One)

Not done anything for a while due to a combination of busy weekends and waiting for parts to arrive. So we finally got round to making a start on stripping the Sierra this weekend.

Health & safety what?.....



Subframe out

Diff off

Diff in the washing machine or diff washer as my dad called it lol.

Only got round to taking the back end out this time. The parts we removed are propshaft, diff, driveshafts, hubs, calipers and handbrake cables. Part 2 will be engine, gearbox etc...