We had a big sheet of steel that we were going to use for the floor but it wasn't wide enough which turned out for the best because we got a massive sheet of ali chequer plate and it is loads lighter!
We put the chassis on the sheet and marked out the floor.
We tried at first to use a jigsaw but that was useless so we got the grinder out instead. We have added an extra bit on the drivers side to protect the brake master cylinder
We drilled the holes for the rivets to save a job later once we have the floor powder coated and also to make sure we had enough rivets. Rare sight to see our Danny boy doing a bit of work on the car.
Other jobs we got done today.
Front wishbones and hubs on. The steering and top joints are still loose because we need to set up the camber and steering once the wheels are on.
Got the diff and drive shafts in and bolted up nice.
Charlie boy wants the first drive :)